## version $VER: PhxAss.catalog 4.20 (11.08.95) ## codeset 0 ## language xxxx _00_Info ; \nCoded by Frank Wille (Phoenix/Phantasm), 1991-95\n _01_Instr ; \nImportant parameters:\n ; TO \t\t\tSet object name\n ; DS=SYMDEBUG\t\t\tAppend Debugger Symbol-Hunks\n ; DL=LINEDEBUG\t\t\tAppend Source Level Debugging Information\n ; OPT \t\t\tDetermine optimization level\n ; SC=SMALLCODE\t\t\tForce small code\n ; SD=SMALLDATA [,] Force small data\n ; SET \t\tPreset symbol value (default: 1)\n ; LIST \t\t\tListing file\n ; EQU \t\t\tEquates file\n ; I=INCPATH \tAdd include paths\n ; H=HEADINC \tInclude files\n ; \nRefer to documentation for more parameters.\n ; Pass %d\n ; Optimize '%c' ignored !\n _22_Stats ; \n%ld lines in %d.%02d sec = %ld lines/min.\n ; Global symbols: %ld\nLocal symbols: %ld\n ; Bytes gained by optimization: %ld\n ; Code:\40 ; Data:\40 ; BSS:\40\40 ; %3d section(s) %6ld bytes\n ; none\n ; %s %38s Page %-3d\n\n ; *** SECTIONS ***\n\nNo Name Type First referenced\n ; CODE ; DATA ; BSS ; OFFS ; \n\n*** SYMBOLS ***\n\nSymbol Value Section Line References\n ; +++ MACRO +++\40\40 ; -- SET Symbol --\40\40\40\40\40 ; *** unreferenced ***\n ; *** Equates file for %-32s %s ***\n\n ; %s\n%d %s\n in line %ld (= line %ld of %s)\n\n ; Do you want to continue (y/n) ?\40 _52_ErrorDuringInitPhase ; Init _53_ErrorDuringCleanUp ; CleanUp _54_OutOfMemory ; Divide up your source or buy more RAM _55_ctrlC ; \n*** BREAK - Assembly terminated\n _63_PositiveAnswerChar _64_ERROR_STRINGS ; 00 No error.\n ; Out of memory ; Unable to open utility.library ; Can't open timer.device ; DREL16 out of range ; HEADINC: file name expected ; IncDir path name expected ; SMALLDATA: Illegal base register ; MACHINE not supported ; File doesn't exist ; Missing include file name ; Read error ; String buffer overflow ; Too many sections ; Symbol can't be made external ; Symbol was declared twice ; Unable to make XREF symbol ; Illegal opcode extension ; Illegal macro parameter ; Illegal characters in label ; Unknown directive ; Too many parameters for a macro ; Can't open trackdisk.device ; Argument buffer overflow ; Bad register list ; Missing label ; Illegal seperator for a register list ; SET, MACRO, XDEF, XREF and PUBLIC are illegal for a local symbol ; Not a register (try d0-d7 or a0-a7 or sp) ; Too many ')' ; Unknown addressing mode ; Addressing mode not supported ; Can't use macro in operand ; Undefined symbol ; Missing register ; Need data-register ; Need address-register ; Word at odd address ; Syntax error in operand ; Relocatability error ; Too large distance ; Displacement expected ; Valid address expected ; Missing argument ; Need numeric symbol ; Displacement outside of section ; Only one distance allowed ; Missing bracket/parenthesis ; Expression stack overflow ; Unable to negate an address ; Can't use distance and reloc in the same expression ; Shift error (wrong type or negative count) ; Can't multiply an address ; Overflow during multiplication ; Can't divide an address ; Division by zero ; No logical operation allowed on addresses ; Need two addresses to make a distance ; Unable to sum addresses ; Write error ; Not a byte-, word- or long-string ; Can't subtract a XREF ; Impossible in absolute mode ; Unknown error (fatal program failure) ; No externals in absolute mode ; Out of range ; Assembly aborted ; Missing ENDC/ENDIF ; Missing macro name ; Missing ENDM ; Can't define macro within a macro ; Unexpected ENDM ; Unexpected ENDC/ENDIF ; Impossible in relative mode ; Parameter buffer overflow ; Illegal REPT count ; Unable to create file ; No reference list without a listing file ; No address allowed here ; Illegal characters in symbol ; Source code too large (max. 65535 lines) ; No floating point without the appropriate math-libraries ; Overflow during float calculation ; Illegal symbol type in float expression ; Type of SET can't be changed ; Can't mix LOAD, FILE and TRACKDISK ; Near mode not activated ; Instruction not implemented in your machine ; Illegal scale factor ; Missing operand ; Section doesn't exist ; Illegal RORG offset ; Immediate operand size error ; Missing ENDR ; Unexpected ENDR ; REPT nesting depth exceeded ; Already a directive name ; SAVE nesting depth exceeded ; Unexpected RESTORE ; Missing RESTORE